Use Wraparound Mortgages to Improve Cash Flow by 50%

Use “Wraparound Mortgages” to Improve Cash Flow by 50%

Two important strategies for real estate investors to improve cash flow are Long Term Lease To Own and Real Estate Contract. Real Estate Contract is a form of owner financing and can be structured even the Seller/Owner has an existing loan.

Wraparound mortgage also known as an all inclusive trust deed (AITD), commonly called a “wrap”. In a wrap-around mortgage transaction, the seller accepts a promissory note (or a contract for deed or land contract) from the buyer for the total amount of the purchase price less any down payment paid …

Other Costs Involved With Buying a Used Car

Other Costs Involved With Buying a Used Car

When buying a used car it is important to understand the total cost that you will be charged. Buying a new car would result in many additional fees that you may not be aware of, but will be forced to pay in the end. However, buying a used car is much smarter because you have full control over the “hidden fees” that a dealership would not tell you about. It’s important to understand that when buying a used car off a lot there is normally no guarantee offered by the dealer. So, …

Wealthy Affiliate Membership – Is it Money Worth Spent?

Wealthy Affiliate Membership – Is it Money Worth Spent?

A paid membership site, Wealthy Affiliate University is a great place not only to learn but can be called one stop centre that can cater the needs ranging from newbies to more advanced internet marketers. Are you wondering what they offer inside? Read on to find out more about it.

First, the trainings provided.

To sum it up, it is actionable. What does it mean? In step-by-step training, you are given direction like “after you do this, you do that” kind of instruction although I might add that the time space …

Make Money Rebuilding Expired Domain Names

Make Money Rebuilding Expired Domain Names

There are hundreds, maybe thousands of domain owners who have neglected paying their domain names and web hosting fees. As a consequence, the web hosting has stopped and the domain has been confiscated by the issuer. The reasons why the original owners stopped payments may be varied. Some owners even got to the point that the website was earning something for them but then suddenly they stopped maintaining it. You can make money on these neglected domains.

If you visit sites which sell or auction off expired domains, you may catch a glimpse of …

Online Trading – The Best Way to Make Money!

Online Trading – The Best Way to Make Money!

With internet connection we have a world of opportunities too lying ahead of us. It is up to us to knock the door, and choose the path that suits our interest. I would specify on interest as to excel in any field, one has to have passion. You must have a passion for the subject, a passion to stick-on even if it is a dark moment, having the belief that there is hope and light at the other end. Unless you believe in what you do, you will not be able …

Screwflation and the Barbeque Recovery

Screwflation and the Barbeque Recovery

As we go through life we see that certain events, technological developments and general changes in our social behaviors often give rise to new words or terminology. For example, as a result of various technological developments over the past decade or so, most of us are now familiar with terms such as “smart phone”, “hotspot” and “phishing.” You probably know what a “tweet” is even if you’ve never used Twitter. Thanks to Facebook, you can now use the word “friend” as a verb.

Sometimes, technological developments create the need for a word to describe something …

Teaching Our Teens The Danger Of Paying Only The Minimum Payment

Teaching Our Teens The Danger Of Paying Only The Minimum Payment

Knowing how to handle credit is extremely important but it’s not a lesson that your kids are likely to learn in school so it’s crucial that we as parents educate them on the dangers of paying only the minimum monthly payments on credit cards.

Money management is best taught hands on. Your teen may be at that point in their life where they’re working and receiving a paycheque. This is a great time to help your teen open a chequing account which will teach them how to write cheques …