The New Cedi and a Few Ways Ghanaians Send Money Home

The New Cedi and a Few Ways Ghanaians Send Money Home

Sandwiched between Togo, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, and the Gulf of Guinea, is Ghana, which received its independence from the United Kingdom in 1957. Ghana has a national population well over 24 million citizens, while maintaining a large diaspora population as well.

Ghana ranked 7th according the Ibrahim Index of African Governance, which is a tool for evaluating how well governments provide for their citizens. Albeit in a better situation than many other of the 48 other African countries, Ghana is still besieged by corruption, crime, and other issues. …

How to Obtain Pre-Settlement Cash For an Injury Lawsuit

How to Obtain Pre-Settlement Cash For an Injury Lawsuit

Pre-Settlement cash refers to monetary assistance provided by a funding company to assist a plaintiff in affording a proper legal defense and rid him/herself of the financial stress. This type of funding can be opted for by any person who is waiting for the judgment in any case, usually involving personal injury to the claimant due to the negligence of the defendant.

Have you ever been in a position where you were a victim of an automobile accident and had to suffer financial stress due to the on going legal proceedings? …

What Does Debt Management Help Entail?

What Does Debt Management Help Entail?

At some point in their lives most people will find themselves in the midst of concerns over the health of their finances. It is the very nature of an economy which is heavily reliant on credit and lending, that individuals will be in debt for long periods of time. As heavy money lending is common and widespread, it is not in itself a major problem to be in debt, provided you can afford to cover any payments comfortably. If you are struggling to stay on top of your outgoings to service loans, credit card …

Money Saving Ideas For Potential Homeowners

Money Saving Ideas For Potential Homeowners

Purchasing a home is a huge investment, and there are many responsibilities and obligations that accompany owning a home. Before applying for a mortgage, home buyers need to ensure they can afford the home they desire to purchase.

Potential home buyers should consider their income and expenses, and then determine how a mortgage would fit into this scenario. There are tips that home buyers can follow to help them save money and make certain they have the funds necessary for the home of their dreams. Saving money does not have to be difficult, and …

Lowest Home Mortgage

Lowest Home Mortgage

Are you looking to find the lowest home mortgage? Do you want to save thousands? It can be done, with the right information! Get ready, as you find that information right here, right now! Inside this article, you will discover helpful tips and information that can result in saving thousands throughout the course of your home mortgage! Don’t get home finance, until you read this article.

There are many factors to finance. If you need to get the lowest home mortgage, there is something you are going to need to remember.

First, let us look at the …

How to Make Money Online – 5 Methods for Beginners

How to Make Money Online – 5 Methods for Beginners

There is no doubt that internet poses as a good market to invest as well as to earn money. With the recent recession taking its toll, many people are looking for different ways to earn income other than the simple desk jobs. There are many tips that can guide you as to how to make money online and by following these tips you can start making money easily. As these methods do not require you to be academically educated much therefore, you can mostly qualify for almost every way which …

Sustainable Home-Building: Why Environmentally Friendly Living Is Right For You And Your Family

Sustainable Home-Building: Why Environmentally Friendly Living Is Right For You And Your Family

For the environmentally friendly-minded home builder or buyer, the time has never been better to be able to live in a home that is easy on both the environment and the wallet. Today’s home building market caters increasingly to creating economic incentives for building homes that are less of a burden on the environment, meaning that you can achieve peace of mind that you are creating a better world through sustainable living while also saving yourself money.

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint Is Good For The Environment

Some …

What is Equity Release and Why May it Benefit You

What is Equity Release and Why May it Benefit You

Many people who are middle aged or younger will look forward to retirement in their minds and think of it as a time where they can relax and have a comfortable time. Most people, at any age will dream of a security to their finance where they want for nothing with a nice home with plenty of space and be given the time to contemplate the wonderful memories with family and friends. With today’s climate a lot of these dreams remain just that and are tough to bring to fruition. …

Trust Paced Marketing and Sales

Trust Paced Marketing and Sales

In the Article titled The Question of Trust, the basic principles of Trust nominated were:- The success of every marketing and sales activity is dependent on the concurrent establishment of an acceptable level of mutual Trust.

The DNA of Trust is comprised of 2 components, character and competence. Character has two elements of integrity and intent; the elements in competence are capabilities and results. This core is surrounded by 16 behaviors, encased in an outer layer of values and principles.

People in all facets of life assess the trustworthiness of themselves, and the business they …