The Impact Of An FSA Review On Investors Wallets

The Impact Of An FSA Review On Investors Wallets

On the list of better core values in modern day business is transparency, especially with regards to fees for services, products and investments. Responsible financial businesses are welcoming the changes due to be implemented as a consequence of the Financial Services Authority (FSA), Retail Distribution Review (RDR).

The RDR is the FSA’s response to consumer calls for truly independent savings and advice. These changes are going to be introduced from the end of December 2012. However, several financial advisers are adopting them early. The headline grabber is the much-expected ban on …

Traditional Verses Non-Traditional Financing – What Are the Differences?

Traditional Verses Non-Traditional Financing – What Are the Differences?

Business owners at either start up or sometime in the business existence need financing. Many a joke has been offered regarding financing offers when you don’t need it, however if you need financing to survive that becomes a different story. Business owners must be able to assess whether they are candidates for traditional or non- traditional financing. Traditional lenders want to grow your business; they are not looking to fix your problems. When business owners have to attract additional equity the problem usually is that they have to give up a …

Is the Money You Make Slipping Through Your Fingers?

Is the Money You Make Slipping Through Your Fingers?

When I first started coaching clients on their fees I figured they would follow my advice, begin to make more money and live happily ever after.

So you can imagine my shock and surprise when I quickly discovered that just because a woman entrepreneur makes more money, doesn’t mean she keeps more money.

Sounds silly, doesn’t it? After all, what’s the point of working hard to be successful, only to watch the fruits of your labor slip through your fingers?

But, after coaching thousands of women on their fees and on …

Is Video Game Design Education Enough?

Is Video Game Design Education Enough?

Not all types of jobs will require qualifications but there are many that do. Even those that do not require the education, the companies will ask for something to prove that you are capable of doing the job that you are applying for. Video game design education is vast and can be fun but is one of those qualifications that is not always required.

A person who designs video games is different to the person that creates them, and this is something that you should bear in mind. The designer will create the style …

Store Cards, Excellent or Bad Borrowing?

Store Cards, Excellent or Bad Borrowing?

In the event you possess a shop credit card is there any disadvantage in possessing one and not utilizing it?

Any application you make, store card or major card will ding your credit.

When you have a thick file the ding won’t be as challenging and the recovery time will probably be shorter.

But, thick or thin file, your score should recover from the ding within 6 months and at one year it will be meaningless to most creditors (using the exception of mortgages or other big loans)

Store cards do assist your credit …

The Nitty-Gritty of Estate Planning

The Nitty-Gritty of Estate Planning

Estate planning can be metaphorically equated to the process of building a chute that will smoothly transfer the assets of person to his children and other beneficiaries in the event of one’s death. There is a common notion that estate planning is generally done by rich and wealthy who have plenty of cash, property or valuables to leave behind for their loved ones. But that is not true, estate planning is mandatory for all, irrespective of their financial standing. It not only transfers assets to your beneficiaries but also reduces the taxes on your property. …

Start Investing in Homes

Start Investing in Homes

There is a difference when you try to sell a house between a particular person who plans to live in the house and an investor. You can renovate the house to improve its aesthetic value to increase its market value especially when your buyer is a house-dweller. If your buyer is an investor, you should take note that they are not really into the aesthetics of the house but they are more on how much they can profit when they resell it. It means that the price is more valuable and important for them than the …

Non Status Mortgages

Non Status Mortgages

Non status mortgages, technically, are any mortgages that do not fit into the ‘main stream’ traditional mortgage heading.

One of the most common of the non status mortgages is the self certification mortgage which is designed for those who are self employed and cannot produce the required proof of income documentation.

The other is the non status mortgage for persons with bad credit. Both situations will often result in fewer deals, larger interest rates and the requirement for a larger down payment on the loan.

Persons with simply poor credit may find that the amount of down …