Making Money Online Requires Consistent Website Traffic

Making Money Online Requires Consistent Website Traffic

I don’t think it is any mystery that it is the amount of traffic that comes to your website that helps you make your money online. Making money online is really all about numbers. If you attract a good number of visitors to your site daily you will get a certain percentage that will buy your product.

How To Get Website Traffic

Traffic to your website basically comes from paid or unpaid links and most in the search engines.

A paid link

With a paid link you are paying what they call ‘pay per click advertising’ (or ‘PPC advertising’ which is the most common) which Google is well know for although there are a large number of sites where you can do PPC advertising, including Yahoo.

Unpaid linking

This can be from linking in forums, writing comments on other people’s blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and other social sites.

Unpaid linking is used a lot because PPC advertising can be very expensive if not done correctly and does take some expertise to get profitable results.

There are millions of customers out there for website owners, but it is the learning about how to set up a website the right way, with the right search engine optimization (SEO) behind hit, the right content and the system by which you retain viewers, is what makes some website owners more successful than others.

Many hours, in fact weeks, can be spent marketing a website but if it is not done in the correct manner all those hours of work could be of absolutely no use. If each contact made through your marketing is not processed into a marketing channel then a lot of dollars are left on the table.


The Best Thing About Setting Up A Great Website

This I just love, because I can then move on to the next one.

What I mean is that setting up the first few sites can be quite an horrific experience for the beginner, but believe me once you have done it a couple of times, not only will you feel so proud of yourself, but you are on your way to setting up a passive income.

Once you have managed to get your website making money online and with reasonably good rankings you can forget about it and it will keep those good rankings for years without you having to do anything to it at all. Just the fact that it is getting constant traffic is enough for it to retain its ranking and keep making an income.

There is one exception to this of course, and it is a site where you are selling products and have to keep either updating products for sale or updating prices and the like.

Some people make money very quickly online because they have a product that finds instant success, but others take longer. Just because a site starts out doing very well does not necessarily mean that it will keep that momentum because it could be a product that has a strong following for say 6 months, then it drops away. These sites do usually do very well as long as the site is built early enough in the trend and is not coming in at the end of the trend.

Website traffic is the answer to you money making online so if you are going to build websites then learn how to get as much traffic to your website as possible. Aim for 100 a day to start with. Market it widely and anywhere you can think of, although again, there are some places better than others for getting the best results with your website marketing.

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