Saving Yourself a Little Money

Saving Yourself a Little Money

Money is the only commodity which never seems to be enough no matter how much we get. We always end up spending more than needed, buying stuff that we never really need. Cutting down on expenses is something which most of us want to do but we fail when we don’t have any control over money.

If you have been trying to save money and have been unsuccessful for a really long time, read on see if you can use any of the below tips to help you save those extra bucks.

Avoid credit cards: …

The Down And Dirty Facts About FHA Loans

The Down And Dirty Facts About FHA Loans

Owner-occupant home buyers do not usually think of themselves as investors who are trying to make money, so they pay full price for a home and get a government insured loan for the purchase, without giving it too much thought. Most of their focus goes into picking the right neighborhood or the right style and location. These are fundamentals that are more important to them than the money. They sort of assume that their home will eventually go up in value.

The other sector is the 20% of buyers and sellers that …

What Is a Restaurant Cash Advance?

What Is a Restaurant Cash Advance?

If you’re the owner of a restaurant business, you have probably heard a lot about restaurant cash advances. But because of an overabundance of information and misleading facts and figures, it can be difficult to understand how exactly this type of funding can help finance your restaurant or food service business.

How, exactly, does a restaurant cash advance work and what can it do for you?

For restaurant owners, receiving funding from a bank can be difficult because of the strict requirements they impose upon potential borrowers. Banks require that restaurant businesses pledge serious …

Rehab Loans – Why Working With The Right Lender Is Important

Rehab Loans – Why Working With The Right Lender Is Important

Are your applications for rehab loans being constantly rejected by the lenders? If yes, don’t worry. Almost 90% of real estate investors out there have a hard time getting their rehab loan applications approved by the lenders. I know so because I was one of them too.

It was extremely frustrating to go from one lender to another asking for rehab financing on the properties that I want to fix and flip. I’d apply for a loan and get it rejected. Through experimentation, I understood how rehab loan lenders …

Manufactured Home Financing – Making Home Ownership a Reality

Manufactured Home Financing – Making Home Ownership a Reality

Buying that first home is an emotional experience for everyone who goes through the process. For those first time buyers who are considering a brand new just built house a manufactured home can be a good choice.

This of course raises the question “is manufactured home financing the same as when buying a traditionally built house?” The answer is yes, the vast majority of banks and lending institutions treat factory built home the same as traditional stick built offerings. This makes attaining the dream of new home ownership a reality for …

Used Auto Loans – The Most Practical Choice to Owning Your Next Car

Used Auto Loans – The Most Practical Choice to Owning Your Next Car

Being able to get a new car these days seems far-fetched for low and middle class income individuals. But is there still hope in getting a car? Yes, there is! Used cars are much cheaper. And though you may not have the cash in your pocket for a second-hand car, you can always apply for used auto loans.

Buying cars this way is a practical move. Not only are second-hand cars more affordable, but the loans for these cars also have lower interest rates. You can often …

Losing Money in Forex? Here is How to Overcome

Losing Money in Forex? Here is How to Overcome

The forex market can be a great place to make a living, but it can also be a dangerous and costly one if you don’t take the necessary precautions. If you’ve been losing money in forex or simply aren’t making as much as you’d like, here is what you can do to step up your “game”.

Arguably rule number one in the forex market is to always have an exit strategy for any trade which you enact. This can be as simple as telling yourself that you’re going to go short …

What Is Your Real Asset

What Is Your Real Asset

This is a posting about having a mindset that helps in wealth building. It is important to understand the difference between being rich financially and building wealth.

First becoming rich is not just about making money but about having an overabundance of assets (liquid and hard) over and above what you owe. A person that has $200,000 in income but owes $300,000 may be considered to be well off but is poor compared to a person with $50,000 who owes $10,000 because even after paying off the debt the $50,000 person has no obligations on …

The Fiverr Secret To Using Facebook Fanpages For Extra Income

The Fiverr Secret To Using Facebook Fanpages For Extra Income

My father (as well as my uncle) would always tell me throughout my life that if I want something done right, I have to do it myself. Though that old adage is indeed true, there’s only so far just one person can stretch themselves. After all, if I want to grow my business, I’ll need to eventually seek more help.

I dabble in many types of money-making activities and Facebook is one of the main ways I do business. When I got my initial start in Facebook Fanpage marketing, I …

What is an Interest Only Mortgage Loan?

What is an Interest Only Mortgage Loan?

An interest only mortgage is when a borrower only pays the interest rates and nothing is paid on the capital for a stipulated term and only repays the interest and not the capital borrowed. A separate repayment plan such as an ISA has been set up in order to repay the capital at the end of the mortgage term.

For first time home buyers, an interest only mortgage can be of great help, however you need to consider the repayment vehicle. You have to decide if an interest only is better than a …

Medical Imaging Equipment Financing Tips

Medical Imaging Equipment Financing Tips

The huge advancements in the field of medical technology have resulted in great benefits to mankind. One such great advancement is the creation of medical imaging equipment.

Types of Medical Imaging Equipment

One of the most commonly used medical imaging machines is the CT scan machine. This machine is a result of a great breakthrough in medical science. It enables us to scan the different parts of the body and helps doctors see internal organs, muscles, blood vessels and tissues in a manner which they could not have imagined a few years ago. However, since …

Purchasing Real Estate – Where and What to Buy

Purchasing Real Estate – Where and What to Buy

When individuals decide to purchase a property, there are a couple of factors that they will want to take into consideration before agreeing to a mortgage: location and type. These two factors play a significant role in the value and resale potential of the property. Because there are many properties on the market from which to choose, prospective home buyers need to take their time and ensure their property is in an ideal location. Furthermore, they need to make certain the the type of home they purchase will meet their needs …

Save Money on Your Kitchen Remodeling Project

Save Money on Your Kitchen Remodeling Project

Any household owner who has ever discussed a kitchen renovation jobs understands how rapidly the cost of the project can go out of control. For you to realize the kitchen of your dreams and not break the bank, it would be crucial to plan ahead of time and watch for things that have the potential to quickly drain your hard earned finances. The typical cost of a kitchen renovation project can be broken down into several areas such as lighting, countertops and cabinetry. Here are easy money saving tips that will help you …

Insider Tips For Raising Finance For Real Estate Investment

Insider Tips For Raising Finance For Real Estate Investment

Real estate financing refers to the arrangement of money from any source to secure a real estate transaction. As the above statement implies, the main aspect is the ability to secure an investment for property loan. The global financial crisis has left an average American with little or no cash to invest in real estate, while the most critical aspect of purchasing a property is the arrangement of finance. Now that you don’t have enough cash, you will have to arrange the same from one source or the other. Securing finance …

New Monthly Housing Scorecard Introduced by HUD

New Monthly Housing Scorecard Introduced by HUD

The U.S. Department of the Treasury and the United States Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) are introducing a brand new scorecard for our country’s housing market. The scorecard intends to display monthly data regarding the impact of this Administration’s efforts for housing recovery and key market indicators, as well as Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) assistance programs for American homeowners. This monthly report will feature data which is key to determining the health of our country’s housing market.

The American public will be able to monitor …

Making Money Online Has Never Been Easier, You Should Just Read These Expert Tips

Making Money Online Has Never Been Easier, You Should Just Read These Expert Tips

Making money online is very convenient and you just need to have a working internet connection. It sounds simple, but the truth is that you need to do some serious work before you start making money online. The simple principle is to make a website, create ads, make interesting products and market them online. But this may be too difficult for most of the internet users. It requires a lot of research and studying. The results may come in few months or later. You need some …

Trick Out Your Core Financial Services Systems With Document Management

“Trick Out” Your Core Financial Services Systems With Document Management

Leave it to the smart folks at Cornerstone Advisors. They’ve effectively used pop culture to urge financial institutions to make over their core software systems in the new “Pimp My Core” GonzoBanker article. (For those of you who aren’t MTV regulars, “Pimp My Ride” is a show where a beater car is restored, customized, and as they say on the show, “tricked out.”)

The author, Eric Weikart, writes: “Clearly, there is much that can be done to enhance the core system. Most of the time, this involves going out and …

Is Your Financial Adviser Really an Adviser – 3 Ways To Tell

Is Your Financial Adviser Really an Adviser – 3 Ways To Tell

Does your adviser look puzzled if you ask him the difference between a capital gains tax, and an ordinary income tax? What if you just want to pay him an hourly fee, like you do for your attorney, and implement his advice on your own? Can you do that? Finally, during your initial meeting, does he ask questions about ALL areas of your finances, or is he too busy looking for a point where his product is the end-all, be-all to fulfill all of your dreams? True financial …

Leadership Skills – How to Avoid This Quartet of Mistakes Made by Team Leaders

Leadership Skills – How to Avoid This Quartet of Mistakes Made by Team Leaders

Now that you Know the Problems -What is your Solution?

In a recent survey (early 2011) of a current and former employees working in the banking and financial services firms in the UK, team leaders and team members revealed 17 reasons why some newly-appointed Managers are not effective in getting the best from their teams. Among the mistakes made most frequency by managers in banking and financial services firms are:

Poor Communication

Poor preparation for your role and tasks

Setting unrealistic timelines to achieve individual and …