Smart Things to Spend Your Tax Return On

Smart Things to Spend Your Tax Return On

With many people anxiously awaiting their refund from the Canada Revenue Agency, now is a great time to think about how you can spend that tax return. The biggest mistake one can make is to look at the refund as free money. A tax refund is NOT free money, it’s YOUR money! When you view your refund as something other than a paycheque, you’re more likely to spend it on treating yourself. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with treating yourself but here are just a few smart ways of spending your tax refund.

Credit Card Debt – If you’re getting collector calls then you know that ignoring them won’t make them go away. Use your refund to take care of those late payments. If you’re current on your bills, why not bring down or pay off your credit card debt balance. This way you have the chance to increase your credit score and be free of interest accumulating.

Mortgage – If you have a mortgage loan every extra payment you make reduces the length of your loan and the amount you pay in interest. Every extra payment will allow you to pay more in principal and less in interest in the long run.

Auto – If you have a car loan, this is a great opportunity to make an extra payment. If you are planning on selling your car, then use your refund or part of your refund to get your car detailed. Getting your car detailed can make a huge difference when you’re putting your car up for sale. You can also use the money to service your car properly. Many just put off servicing their car so this is a good time to get that oil change you’ve been putting off, check your tires and get that long awaiting tune-up. A well maintained vehicle with properly inflated tires burns less gas and saves you money in the long run.

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You – Hopefully your tax refund is enough to cover one of the above and give yourself a little treatment but remember there’s always a balance. They key is to take care of your responsibilities first and then enjoy your money. If you and your family have been stressed because of daily life chores and haven’t had the time or money to enjoy a nice family meal at a restaurant then now is a good time for that. Buy tickets to a show or enjoy a day at the spa with your child. Buy yourself that one good suit you’ve always needed.

There are so many things you can do with your tax refund, you just gotta take care of your obligations first.