Rich Dad’s Myths About Money

Rich Dad’s Myths About Money

8 Financial Myths on Money According to Robert Kiyosaki.

I just finished watching Shooting The Sacred Cows of Money,” a pointed yet powerful, keep you on the edge of your seat,video series by Robert Kiyosaki, author of the Rich Dad series of Books. After watching these enlightening videos I HAD to be sure you can see it too! You can use the information that’s on these videos right NOW to double your recruiting efforts to your business. It is amazing, and it does not cost you anything at all. I can’t believe Mr. Kiyosaki put these videos up for 0 cost.

As an avid Rich Dad series reader I was quite impressed by the intense financial education shared in the 8 video series that is geared to anyone who is at a point of their life or just starting out and need some direction as to how to plan their financial future. Mr Kiyosaki along with special guests dispels some of our traditional myths about money that has left millions of people stuck or struggling financially.

Here are the 8 Sacred Cows that’s Discussed in the series about Money:

1. Go to School

2. Get A Job

3. Work Hard

4. Save Money

5. Your House Is An Asset

6. Get Out of Debt

7. Live Below Your Means

8. Invest For The long term

Here in the USA where we have access to so many resources, talent, a stable economy and opportunities I wonder why is this program not taught in our schools. We’ve already learnt that the old set of rules about going to school to get an education teaches us to be employees instead of entrepreneurs.

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What’s self evident is that the rules of money we’ve been taught in schools has changed in the past few years. According to Robert Kiyosaki, “without financial education,you have to go out and get a job..whats tragic today is that people are losing jobs and are going back to school to get a job to compete against their kids”

This is a sad situation considering that back in June 2010 tens of thousands of Americans exhausted their unemployment insurance. Unemployment extension has been passed, but congress is unwilling to continue the benefits beyond the 99 weeks the government currently allows many U.S. citizens access to in a tough economic climate.

As we know, never before has the job market been flooded with a huge influx of older workers, Currently the unemployment rate for people 55 and over is at the highest since 1948. Today we are seeing that age discrimination is severely compounding the job crisis for older workers. According to the US Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics in a report earlier this year, older persons who do become unemployed spend more time searching for work.

The report also states that In February this year, workers aged 55 years and older had an average duration of joblessness of 35.5 weeks, compared with 23.3 weeks for those aged 16 to 24 years and 30.3 weeks for those aged 25 to 54 years. For example, nearly half (49.1 percent) of older jobseekers had been unemployed for 27 weeks or longer in February 2010, compared with 28.5 percent of workers aged 16 to 24 years and 41.3 percent of workers aged 25 to 54 years.

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Will these statistics ever improve if there is an upturn in the economy? I believe they will improve for the other groups but for the older workers, not very much. This I believe will always be a way of life, but not what we will want to look forward to, unless we take our future in our own hands..

As a child growing up in school in beautiful Montego Bay Jamaica our education system taught us the same regarding go to school and then get a job. I noticed something from an early age that stayed with me when I migrated here to the USA. In a struggling economy with an uneven balance of trade and close to 30 percent unemployment most people had to figure out ways to support themselves and by default many started small businesses and became entrepreneurs.

I always felt a disconnect from what I learnt in school and what I was actually doing while working in the corporate world. Finally in 2004 after 14 years in the corporate world, working for three companies that went bankrupt and getting fired from two I felt burnt out working a job. I then realized that I had to put my future in good hands, my own. Never was I going to attain the freedom I so desired to be able to not miss my children growing up and have time for my family working a job. It was then I decided to start my home-based business.

A trusted friend loaned me Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and from the book. I learnt that I had to change my beliefs about money as well as business ownership if I was to ever become a successful business owner.

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Shooting The Sacred Cows of Money is a rapid fire yet timely and enlightening video series which just like the TV show “Myth Busters’ dispels the in-grained myths that’s been a part of out culture to real life and a fresh way of thinking.

Yours in Abundance,
